What is UV Index?
Why knowing your local UV Index pattern is important?
Let’s try to recall when have you had a sunburn for the last time? Was it a
year, a couple of months ago or just yesterday? And did you know that sunburn
causes 95% of melanomas and considered the most deadly form of skin cancer?
## Sunburn leads to Skin Cancer. Really.
The unpleasant truth that the highly bellowed sun is not just our warmest
friend, but also the silent cold-blood killer. Just look at this unpleasant
from Australian Cancer Council:
* More than 1700 Australians die from skin cancer each year, and two out of three
Australians will get a skin cancer before the age of 70.
* Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia — more than 44,000 people died
from cancer in 2013. Cancer accounted for about 3 in 10 deaths in Australia.
## UV Index for the rescue
To measure the harmful ultraviolet radiation the UV Index Scale was developed by
Canadian scientists in 1992.
The UV Index scale is a simple way to predict the amount of skin damaging by
overexposure to UV Radiation from the sun. UV Index with value more than 5 is considered as dangerous for a light-skinned
One of the the best way to protect yourself from UV radiation, sunburn and skin
cancer is to develop a bunch of simple, sun-wise habits based on your local UV
Index pattern. [UVIMate — Sun Safety Coach application
](https://uvimate.com/)for iPhone and Android helps you to track a current UV
Index level for you local area and train your sun safety habits.
Alex Ershov
Founder of UVIMate - Sun Safety Coach and UV Index Forecast app
Alex is a dedicated NodeJS/.NET technomad with 10 years of hands-on experience in digital media, e-government, telecommunications and print/mail production automatization areas. DevOps practitioner and energetic Knowledge Management evangelist.