Blog about Sun Safety, Skin Care and Tech delivered by UVIMate team

Vitamin D: How Much Sun Is Enough? | 25 NOV

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is essential for strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D was considered a nutrient of concern when people learned that being in the sun, as well as eating foods high in Vitamin D, prevented a condition known as Rickets.

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The Best Sun Safety Apps (2018) | 22 NOV

There is a plethora of apps that eager to make you life under the sun a little bit easier and safer during this summer.

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5 steps to Sun Protection | 21 NOV

Sun protection means prevention. During the day look at your shadow. Then shortest the shadow the more protection you need.

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Fitzpatrick Skin Photo Types | 21 NOV

Fitzpatrick phtotype scale is a most commonly used classification of a person’s skin type developed in 1975 by Harvard Medical School dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick, MD, PhD. The sacale classifies skin types by their response to the sun exposure and deegree of burning and taining.

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Top Surfaces that reflect UV rays | 21 NOV

Different kinds of reflective surfaces produce a different effect on a current ultravialet index (UV Index). UV rays can be reflected off of open water, grass, sand, snow, concrete and painted walls.

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Clouds and Ultraviolet Radiation | 17 NOV

Clouds are different. So is their effect to the UV Index. On average, clouds do reduce UV radiation, but it still far away from stops the skin damage. A lot of people think they can’t get a sunburn on a cloudy day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way.

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The History of Sunscreen | 13 NOV

Sunscreen nowadays is a necessity when it comes to spending long hours in the sun. This is especially true if you plan on going swimming, as your skin, especially if light, can burn much more easily. Sunburns can have some pretty harmful effects on the body in both the short as well as the long term. However, how did sunscreen come about?

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Being Sun Smart when working outdoors | 5 NOV

For the vast majority of people in the US, overexposure to sunlight is not an issue. Many Americans even have an issue when it comes to Vitamin D deficiency. However, for many people who work outdoors, or otherwise stay outside often, they may be doing much more to their body than just tanning.

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What is UV Index? | 1 NOV

Let’s try to recall when have you had a sunburn for the last time? Was it a year, a couple of months ago or just yesterday? And did you know that sunburn causes 95% of melanomas and considered the most deadly form of skin cancer?

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